The Other Burroughs

Passers-by could be forgiven for not noticing the grave site of Julian Burroughs. It’s easily overlooked by those cruising along Route 9W in West Park, NY. The entire cemetery there is dwarfed by a complex of stone barns just south of it—flashes of them through the trees are glimpses of another era, perhaps even another [Read More…]

Putting Down Roots: Lee Barrington, Jr.

Marlboro, NY, May 9, 2024, Lee Barrington, Jr. and I took a six-hour meander along memory lane. We found we had traveled a lot of that same roads and shared a good number of interests. I hope our paths continue to cross and that I continue to learn more about this funny, interesting man. But [Read More…]


May Miller turned sixteen more than one hundred years ago. Her diary of 1904 was included in a box of small black diaries of her brother, John. The siblings lived in a farming family in Bullville, (Orange County) NY […] January 2, 1904, was a Saturday and May related, “It snowed all day to-day George [Read More…]

The Rise and Fall and Rise of Kingston, NY City Hall

Number 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY, is a large red- and white-brick High Victorian Gothic municipal-style building. Its history often closely mirrored much of the economic and cultural turmoils of its nearly 150-year existence. Completed in 1875, it commanded its hillside heights with three main stories and a five-story tower with a belfry. Typical of the [Read More…]

Ulster County Bluestone

The number of fascinating websites and books containing information on the bluestone industry in Ulster County and its neighbors indicates the resources’ importance in the development of our area and beyond. They cover not just bluestone’s impact on the physical places, but its impact on the lives of thousands of families. Bluestone was so crucial [Read More…]

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